Throughout the acting schools ten-week course, each student plays in-groups and individually to discover their creative inner voice, learn to trust instinct, and experience positive self-esteem, which is essential for successful human development. Students learn to use emotional breath, movement, games and improvisation exercises to create and develop characters and situations that all relate into a more truthful performance for camera.

Course is Designed For
Children between the ages of 8 – 12 years of age who have a strong desire to work in the television and film industry

Course Content
In level 2 children will be introduced to film acting. Young actors will experience how to drop into character, how to deliver lines as natural as possible for their scene as well as learn how to work with a scene partner while the camera is rolling. The objective for this level will be for students to understand how different t.v.commercial training is from film acting. Young actors will learn how to take on the character in the film scene. Attention will be spent on voice for the camera as well as diction.

Class Size
Class size is limited to 12 students to allow for maximum student/teacher interaction.
COST $995.00 – 10 weeks entire level 3 in person or online