Drama Classes For Teenagers
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Level 3 8 Week


The Acting schools level III course will focus on emotional embodiment for the actor. Students will learn how to express themselves authentically in a film scene using themselves and allowing themselves to be connected to an emotional reservoir. This is a must for the entertainment industry that an actor has 100% emotional flexibility. An actor must be “emotionally available” otherwise an actor will not be hired nor Will you book the audition.


Must have introduction to film scenes under their belt.

Class Size

Class size is limited to 12 students to allow for maximum student/teacher interaction.

Keypoint Class sessions will be video taped of each student for learning process.
The Tuition fee is $995.00
ON LINE TRAINING 4 weeks $495.00
IN PERSON TRAINING 4 weeks $495.00

ON LINE TRAINING 8 weeks $995.00
IN PERSON TRAINING 8 weeks $995.00
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