Teen Acting Classes
Success Story


  • acting certificate programs

The Acting schools teen program specializes training teens in film acting with emphasis on professional, on-set behaviors and procedures. The acting instructor will focus to enhance the student’s individual talents along with helping the student acquire professional knowledge and techniques required for film and television.

Teens will have an opportunity with our acting schools program to work through Levels 1 to 5 of training step by step with the first level covering t.v.commercial auditioning techniques, improvisation techniques, understanding storyboard and getting used to working in front of the lens of the camera right up to advanced level of training in scene study, character development, script analysis and shooting your final scenes by a Film Director and having the scenes professionally edited.

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Teen Acting Classes: Develop Skills and Confidence for the Stage and Screen

ASHLEY GANGER in series lead role in Netflix
“Grand Army”

Congratulations to our Teen Graduate from Toronto Academy of Acting student Ashley Ganger on her success- Ashley Ganger Lands a Series Lead Role in NETFLIX SERIES “GRAND ARMY’!

Ashley Ganger 9 episodes Netflix t.v. series Grand Army, watch out for her in the next Television series lead regular name of project to be announced in 2023!

DAKOTA TAYLOR in the series lead Netflix
“Zero Chill”

Congratulations to our Teen Graduate from Toronto Academy of Acting student Dakota Taylor in landing series lead in Netflix “Zero Chill”

PAULA GOLDIE in TV Apple series “Circuit breaker” 2022

Congratulations to our Teen Graduate from Toronto Academy of Acting student Paula Goldie in series Lead Role with APPLE TV called “Circuit breaker”2022


Congratulations to our former Toronto Academy of Acting student Ana Golja on her continued success- Ana Golja can be seen staring in NETFLIX “FULL OUT” & playing opposite of feature film “THE FANATIC” playing opposite JOHN TRAVOLTA!
You can also see her in “THE CUBAN” along side LOUIS GOSSETT JR!


Congrats to our former Toronto Academy of Acting student LUKE BILYK star of Degrassi land his continued successes!
Check out his website at www.lukebilyk.ca.



Congratulations to our former TAA Student Samantha Jo on your continued success!!
You can see Samantha in action in “The Twilight Saga”: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 & “300”: Rise of an Empire (2014).

Brooke Wexler

Congrats to our Former Toronto Academy of Acting student Brook Wexler on landing a series lead role playing on the hit Netflix TV series Ritchie Rich.

Acting Lessons Online
Richie Rich Brooke

Press Room

Students who are ready for representation will be introduced to Casting Directors as well as principal talent agents.
  • Grand Army


    Congratulations to our former Toronto Academy of Acting student Ashley Ganger starring in 9 episodes with Netflix t.v. series Grand Army, watch out for her in the next Television series lead regular name of project to be announced in 2023!

  • Zero Chill


    Congratulations to our Teen Graduate from Toronto Academy of Acting student Dakota Taylor in landing series lead in Netflix “Zero Chill”

  • Circuit Breakers


    Congratulations to our former Toronto Academy of Acting student Paula Goldie in series Lead Role with APPLE TV called “Circuit breaker”2022

  • Full Out


    Congratulations to our former Toronto Academy of Acting student Ana Golja on her continued success- Ana Golja can be seen staring in NETFLIX “FULL OUT” & playing opposite of feature film “THE FANATIC” playing opposite JOHN TRAVOLTA!


    Congratulations to our former TAA Student Samantha Jo on your continued success!!
    You can see Samantha in action in “The Twilight Saga”: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 & “300”: Rise of an Empire (2014).

  • Degrassi


    Former film acting student LUKE BILYK star of De GRASSI lands 10 episodes in television series LOST GIRLS.
    Check out his website at www.lukebilyk.ca.

    Read more about Luke Bilyk and the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film & Television

    It all began here at the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film & Television.

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