Students will learn the essential elements to build and strengthen a
foundation in the art of voice acting for commercials, animation, and
various other genres. The course will also cover vocal health,
understanding how the instrument works for microphone, script analysis,
vocal technique, vocal placement, the audition process and a voice demo



4 weeks (2 hrs per week)

Voice-over 101 BEGINNERS – We will explore and expand the students’ voice-over in a
fun and educational environment. In the four week course, a class once a week, for two
and a half hours, students will explore voice-over work including commercials and
animation characters. Students will learn vocal technique, vocal placement, and how to
use the microphone. Much emphasis will be placed on breathing exercises and stretching
exercises to fully relax and engage the entire body to help support vocal recording.
Teaching Aid: Notebook, tablet or mobile phone capable of recording & submitting
digital files.

This course will be offered both in studio and on-line.
Each student will complete Voice-Over 101 by recording a personal voice demo tape
consisting of a radio commercial, and an animation scene.

Tuition Fee: $495 CDN IN PERSON OR ONLINE Register Now!


5 WEEKS (2 hrs per week)

In Voice-Over 102, emphasis will be placed on vocal technique, vocal placement, and
breathing exercises. The primary focus of this segment of the course is to explore audio
book narration and characters, gaming scenes, and using emotional work to help shape
a vocal performance. In addition, students will explore radio plays from the past, to
better understand the medium of voice.

Pre requisite – Students must have completed Voice Over 101
Each student will complete Voice-Over 102 by recording a personal voice demo tape
consisting of an audio book selection, and a gaming scene.

Tuition Fee: $595 CDN IN PERSON Register Now!


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