Film & Television Production Diploma Program



Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television’s FULL TIME FOUR MONTH FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION DIPLOMA PROGRAM is designed as a revolutionary hands-on quick guide to the roots of film and television production, with a mission to help students easily find the area in which they will improve their creativity and artistic skills the best. Most importantly find what area is best suited for them, save time and money, give the students the opportunity to have them work as interns for production companies who may need our students for projects the production company is working on, while meeting Canada diploma requirements.

Demystifying the craft and techniques of creating and producing film and television projects, this “hands on” program prepares the students to react fast in real professional situations by helping them to articulate and deliver their ideas as final products in the most creative way. Throughout the film and television production, practical exercises will be given to film students using the film schools most current technology, including digital cameras, lighting and sound recording equipment. Four cameras in the system and a four channel full HD mobile video studio places the program ahead of other similar schools in North America. Film school students will be introduced to the foundations of film and television directing, screenwriting, cinematography, editing and vision mixing gaining knowledge in the production and post-production through application in individual exercises in film and television genres. Instruction is conducted through creative workshops – the method proven to be the most efficient.

  • Fast track career
    Complete 500 hours of training in 4 months. Portfolio consists of 14 edited assignments, one T.V. commercial, one music video, one documentary and one short narrative film. Build an amazing portfolio for any student to graduate with
  • Internships
    Students will have an opportunity to work as interns and or apprentices for various production companies who are already waiting for our film students to graduate
  • Hands-on experience
    At the end of the Film and Television Program each film student will come out with a DVD Film Reel containing fourteen edited assignments, including music video, TV commercial, documentary film and short narrative film
  • Top of the line equipment
    Film students will use the Academy’s most current technology digital cameras, lighting and sound recording equipment. Four cameras in the system and a four channel full HD mobile video studio places the program ahead of other similar schools in North America
  • Instructors 
    Our instructors are award winning Directors and Professional film & television actors who are active in the industry and up to date on industry standards
  • Easy Payment Plan
    Toronto Academy of Acting offers Interest free payment plans for our accepted students.

To read more about the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and Television click here.

Upcoming Dates

2025 Closed

Additional Information

Diploma Students Working On Set

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    Canada Diploma Requirements
    acting and film schools