Actors who need film scenes for their demo reel





The Film Academy is pleased to provide a film scene course with international award winning Film & Television Director Andrej Acin, who will be working with students on film scenes with best scenes to be edited for actor’s demo reel. This film scene course unique as the course is taught from a Director’s point of view as well as scenes shot on professional film equipment so that film students get a real feel what its like to shoot with professional film equipment as if they were on set. This film scene course ideal for students who require a professional demo reel to show to casting directors, talent agents their work. No film actor can realistically find a principal talent agent or meet with casting directors unless they have a professional demo reel showing their work.

Course Outline

Coursework emphasizes training for the naturalistic portrayal of character, the most frequent style used in film. By practicing the On-location video shoots exercises, students increase the knowledge of the filming process where the physical and emotional continuity is needed to fulfill the technical requirements of a role. Film students will learn to work within the confines of a tight shooting schedule, and how to effectively gage performance levels from the Master Shot to extreme Close-Ups while maintaining emotional and physical continuity, become proficient in hitting multiple marks within a shot set-up, familiarize themselves with the roles of all crew members and departments of a film set, and come to understand the rules of on-set etiquette and protocol. Each film student will be directed by the Director in a scene of their choosing. This scene will be professionally filmed. If student wishes to have their scene(s) edited by the Film Director to start off their professional promotional reel ready to be presented to potential talent agents, casting directors, producers and film directors in this highly competitive industry there is an additional cost to the Film Director’s production company of $200.00 per scene to be edited which student pays the Director directly.

Upon successful completion of this course the students will have the ability to:

1. Practice and understand the shot language (shot size and angle), eye lines, screen direction, camera movement and lighting.
2. Use the frame as a proscenium device.
3. Break down physical and internal inhibitions.
4. Solve technical problems of acting on camera while maintaining truthful behavior.

This course involves hands-on guidance, discussions with the group and individuals, and performance for camera.

Materials Provided

Script material will be provided for film presentation to students.

Tuition Fee $995.00 only in person

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