Method Acting for Film Scenes

The Acting Schools course on Method Acting for Film Scenes will focus on the Method Acting Technique, developed by Konstantin Stanislavski, in the early to mid-twentieth century and employed by actors to achieve realism in acting by relying on sense memory, imagination, the actor’s personal life history and their own emotions and inner life in order to bring a new depth in portraying their roles and creating a character.

Course Outline
The Acting Schools students will learn the basic principles of the Method which are:
– Acting is doing.
– Developing the imagination and observing the world around you.
– Training the mind through a complete understanding of the play and its circumstances.
– Turning the character into you
Students will discover and implement an approach to creating a character for roles in Film And Television as well as learn how to apply the Method Acting Technique when infiltrating And portraying a character for the camera.

Materials Provided
All scenes worked by students will be from “Actual Scripts.” Curriculum is for 8 weeks, total 24 hour of training.