The film acting diploma program is an intensive four month 360 hour hands on camera training diploma program. This program is designed to teach what students need to know in a short period of time and to find out if film acting is a career for the student to pursue. Students, parents appreciate that in a short period of time the Toronto Academy of Acting for Film & Television has created these programs to make it cost effective. Its been proven a student does not need to train in film acting for years to find out whether or not the student has the necessary talent to succeed in the film industry. Plus, students also have lots of opportunities to connect and network with industry leaders during special workshop sessions, training presentations, and industry social events hosted by Toronto Academy of Acting.

Our program was designed with input from casting directors, talent agents, directors as to what training is necessary in film acting and most importantly they come out CAMERA READY as so many casting directors, producer, directors and talent agents want to see.

The Film & Television production full time diploma program is a revolutionary program designed by an international nine time award winning Film & Television Director.

This diploma program offers students coming out of this ambitious program a DVD Film Reel containing fourteen edited assignments, music video, t.v. commercial, documentary film as well as a short narrative film. In the 500 hours of training.

Many of our students have the opportunity to intern in their chosen field through the Film Schools and Acting Schools vast pool of production companies to gain experience with non union film production companies. The Film & Television Production School and Film Acting School is known for its mentoring program introducing both film acting students as well as film & television production students to meet with industry professionals.

Click to read graduate students through Toronto Academy of Acting for Film &Television on set for television series “Suits”.

Film Schools and Film Acting Schools vast networking sources is an advantage to both our film acting students to work on non union film sets to gain experience as actors as well as provide our film and television production students to intern with various non union film production companies.

The Film & Television Production Schools program as well as the Film Acting Schools programs are designed for maximum attention to the students as class size will permit up to fourteen students for film acting per semester and only ten students for the film & television production program.

Film Schools In CanadaActing Schools In CanadaActing Schools In Canada

The Film Schools production program is able to provide students training on the latest technical production T.V. equipment for television programming. With the Academy’s cameras in the system and a four channel mobile video studio this equipment places our Academy’s program not only ahead of similar schools in the country but worldwide as well.

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